Consider how strongly a decision or action is in harmony with your values, priorities and sense of purpose. Use the questions below to score each element on a scale from one to ten to get a clearer picture about whether or not this decision or action is appropriate.


  • Is this action aligned with our mission, vision, values and purpose?
  • Does this align with what we stand for?
  • Our band, our reputation, our service promise? Our why?
  • Does this take us closer to our vision, or further away?


  • Are we clear about roles, timing, expectations?
  • Are we making assumptions?
  • Do we have all the information we need?
  • Do we know who will do what by when?
  • If not, what do we need to get clear on these things?


  • Do we have space in our life or organisation for this right now?
  • If not, is there something else that can go to make room?
  • Or is there a way to grow our capacity to accommodate this?
  • If so, what would need to change?
  • How long would that take, and how much would that cost?


  • Is this an open door?
  • If so, is it one we need to take?
  • If not, do we need one?
  • Or is there another way to do this that will create one?
  • If there’s an obstacle, how can we overcome it?
  • If we say yes to this opportunity, what else must we say no to?


  • Do we have the time, money, equipment, skills and people we need?
  • If not, how can we get them?
  • Can we recycle, reduce, repurpose?
  • Can we retrain, re-budget, reschedule, restructure, or recruit?
  • Could we partner or collaborate to share resources?
  • Would investing in these resources be wise long-term?


  • Do people actually want this?
  • Is there a clear and genuine need?
  • What is our emotional connection to this issue?
  • Will this solve a headache for us or our clients?
  • Do we have a strong, heartfelt why? Do they?
  • Is this a ‘right-now’ need or a long-term intention?
  • A must-have or a nice-to-have?

Want to know more? Let’s talk. Click here to contact me