Simple tips and tools to help you lead with less stress and more ‘Yes!’

Confident Communication

Seek first to understand, then to be understood ~ Stephen Covey

The IDEA Framework

Watch the video HERE

For more details, download the Workbook HERE

7 Great Coaching Questions

From the genius of Michael Bungay Stanier, seven great questions to help you create an effective coaching dialogue.

The CORE Feedback Model

You struggle with giving feedback? Not anymore. This simple feedback framework is just what you need.

Catch People Doing Things Right

What’s rewarded, gets repeated. Genuine praise and recognition is a powerful motivator.

Feedback Vs Coaching

Learn the difference between feedback and coaching and when is the best time to use them.

Judger Vs Learner Questions

Quality questions depend on our mindset. Are you a Judger or a learner?

Mastering Meetings

Great meetings happen when we are absolutely clear about Purpose, People & Process

Open Vs Closed Conversations

In any conversation, we only know half the story. We need to stay curious, open-minded and ask questions.

Radical Candor

Kim Scott’s model for honest and open communication. Clear is kind, and unclear is unkind.

The Johari Window

A simple visual model for how we see ourselves and why feedback and self-disclosure are so important for our growth

Navigating Conflict

Conflict is just change trying to happen

5 Conflict Modes

There are five ‘modes’ that people use when it comes to conflict. We use all five at different times, but we’re more comfortable at some modes that others. Here are the 5 Modes.

4 Domains of Conflict

Navigating and resolving conflict is always easier when understand exactly what the real issues are – when we’re all playing in the same domain. There are four key domains we need to understand.

Reframe the Game

Conflict is often seen as a negative. Yet conflict is just change trying to happen. Se we can embrace conflict as an opportunity for growth. Reframing how we think about conflict is a good place to start. Here are three ways to do that.

The Conflict Iceberg

In conflict situations, the main drivers of behaviour are often hidden below the waterline. If we don’t clarify those underlying causes, our attempts to resolve conflict may be sunk before we begin. Check out the Conflict Iceberg.

The Drama Triangle

True conflict is the raw material for positive innovation. Drama is different. It’s a story we tell ourselves about who is involved – villain, victim and hero. Check out the Drama Triangle so you know how to change the story.

Decision Making & Delegation

Decisions shape destiny ~ Tony Robbins

Empower Teams with the Decision Tree Model

To delegate decision-making is a powerful way to build trust and grow emerging leaders. Susan Scott’s ‘decision tree’ model is an ideal approach. There are four levels of decision – leaf, branch, trunk and root. 

3 Levels of Decisions: Hats, Haircuts & Tattoos

Decisions come in all shapes and sizes and carry different levels of risk vs reward, cost vs benefit. Here’s a quick and easy way to choose what level you’re dealing with – is it a hat, a haircut or a tattoo?

Deciding Vs Choosing

Deciding and choosing are not the same. They involved different ways of thinking and how you process the available information. Deciding is about making up your mind. Choosing is picking an option. Here’s how to understand the difference.

Circle of Influence Vs Circle of Concern

Stephen Covey’s concept of the Circle of Influence versus the Circle of Concern comes from his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It’s a simple yet powerful idea about how we can focus our energy and efforts to be more effective in life.

The WRAP Decision Making Model

The WRAP decision-making model, created by Chip and Dan Heath in their book Decisive, is all about helping you make better decisions by avoiding common biases and mistakes.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a flexible, iterative, people-centered design process. You’re constantly learning, testing, and refining as you go — all while keeping the end user at the heart of the process. It’s a creative way to solve problems and come up with solutions.

The ACCORD Check List

Sometimes the most important question is not about what to do, but should we do this? The ACCORD Check List will help you decide whether or not this decision or action is appropriate.

The CRAAP Test

How can you be sure you have the right kind of information to make good decisions? Use The CRAAP Test to evaluate your sources so you can be certain about what you think you know.

Mindset & Emotional Intelligence

The ability to make emotions work for you, instead of against you ~ Justin Bariso

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognise and influence the emotions of others. There are four key elements.

Understanding Growth Vs Fixed Mindset

A growth mindset and a fixed mindset are two different ways of thinking about learning, challenges, and personal development. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements of each and why they matter in the workplace.

Confidence is a SNAP!

Self-confidence is the belief in your own abilities, skills, and judgment. It’s about trusting that you can handle challenges, make decisions, and take action, even when things are uncertain. Here are 4 ways to boost self-confidence.

Ask, Don’t Tell: The Power of Curiosity

We never really know what others are thinking and feeling unless we ask them. To give them space to express themselves and share what is actually going on, we need to stay curious and Ask, Don’t Tell

Master Your Emotions: Name It to Tame It

When we identify and name our emotions, it helps us process them more effectively, making them less overwhelming. Here are some simple ways to do that.

Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Tips for Success

Imposter syndrome is feeling like you’re not as good as people think you are. You feel like a fraud and that one day everyone will realise you don’t actually know what you’re doing. Here’s how to overcome imposter syndrome.

Change Management

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change ~ Albert Einstein

The ADKAR Formula

The ADKAR change management formula is a structured framework designed to guide organizations through the process of individual change within their workforce. The acronym ADKAR represents five key elements that need to be addressed during the change process. Read more HERE.

Building Trust

Successful change projects are built on trust. It’s a vital component in both internal team dynamics and external relationships with clients or suppliers. If you’ve just stepped into a change management role, or if you need to strengthen or gain people’s trust, there are several ways to go about it.

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

A structured approach to successfully navigate and implement change in 8 easy steps.

Lewin’s Change Management Model

While it is one of the earliest and simplest models, it nevertheless underpins all subsequent models, and its 3 key ideas are evident in even the most recent and complex approaches to change. Lewin’s Change Management Model,

Roger’s Innovation Adoption Curve

A useful framework to understand how change is often adopted unevenly and at different rates through an organisation.

The Beckhard-Harris Change Equation

A simple formula that describes the factors influencing the success of organisational change – particularly in relation to overcoming reluctance and resistance.

The Kubler-Ross Change Curve

How to understand the emotional responses and psychological transitions people may need to experience and process to accept and adapt to changes in the workplace.