Learn how to rock your unique leadership style. Understand how personality and emotional intelligence set you up to succeed. Discover how to connect better with your team, handle difficult conversations and navigate conflicts like a pro. You’ll walk away with fresh skills in time management, delegation, decision-making, and planning. Six modules with everything you need to build a strong, kick-ass team culture. All the good stuff, without the fluff.
▸ You’ve Got Personality!
Why you don’t need a survey to tell you who you are
Embrace the quirks of your own personality. After all, with 8 billion people on the planet, you’re still the only one qualified to be you. Understand the difference between traits, states and stages of personality, and how these all shape your behaviour. Discover why character – personality by design – is a much wiser choice.
You’ll walk away with practical tips and tools about how to:
- Recognise the 4 basic patterns in human behaviour
- Own your personality preferences
- Play to your strengths and avoid unconscious bias
- Understand why some people annoy you so much (and you, them)
- Figure out what to do about it
- Embrace you own weirdness, and find space for others to do the same
▸ Emotional Intelligence
The superpower anyone can learn
It’s easy to spot emotionally intelligent people. They handle tough situations well, express themselves clearly, stay cool under pressure and make smart choices. They understand how other people tick, know how to empathise, and encourage more genuine conversations. They can adapt to change and go with the flow. They can read the room, adjust their style to fit the team’s mood, and stay resilient when things get tough.
You’ll discover:
- Why feelings aren’t facts, but they do have something really useful to tell you
- How to welcome, understand and regulate your own emotions
- How to pick up on other people’s emotional states
- And how to handle that so everyone wins
▸ Understanding Conflict
Why disagreements are such a great problem to have
Let’s face it, conflict often gets a bad rap. It can be uncomfortable, distracting, frustrating and anxiety-inducing. Yet for all that, conflict is what gets our attention to let us know that something’s not working. Conflict is just change trying to happen. If we learn how to welcome conflict as an invitation to explore new possibilities, we open the door to fresh ideas and better ways to do things.
This session will show you how to:
- Get comfy with discomfort
- Reframe conflict as chance to get creative
- Ask the right questions so everyone’s clear on what this is really about
- Recognise your own conflict style and when to flex into other modes
▸ Difficult Conversations
The art & heart of genuine communication
Tough conversations get everyone on the same page. They cut down down on misunderstandings and avoid awkward assumptions. If we tackle issues when they come up, we stop them from blowing up into bigger problems. It’s all about getting things out in the open and finding a way to work through them together. If it’s discussable, it manageable. When people feel listened to, they open up and bring fresh ideas to the table. The good news is that you can never lose a conversation – you either win, or you learn.
This session will give you:
- Confidence to speak up
- A simple formula to help you prepare
- A framework to keep conversations on track
- Language prompts to navigate the rocky patches
- And tips to handle those ‘red zone’ moments
▸ Decisions & Delegation
How to choose the best way forward
Discover the power of purposeful decision making and how delegating trust, not tasks, helps grow your team’s capacity and capabilities. In a complex, uncertain world, decisions shape destiny. First off, good decisions lead to better outcomes, whether you’re trying to nail a project or hit your personal goals. A solid decision-making process also helps everything run more smoothly, saving both time and resources. Thoughtful decisions reduce anxiety and boost confidence. And involving others in the process fosters teamwork and brings in fresh ideas. Plus, good decision-makers can roll with the punches and adapt quickly to changes, all while keeping an eye on long-term goals.
You’ll leave with practical tips and tools to:
- Make better decisions with more confidence
- Steer clear of bias and decision-making pitfalls
- Improve your choices with a range of decision-making frameworks
- Measure trust dynamics to help you delegate more effectively
▸ Strategic Doing
How to imagine and create a better future
Productive leaders know how to plan their actions and action their plans. They’re more relaxed and get more done with less effort. They are clear on their vision, mission, values and purpose. They create strategies, set goals and measure progress. In this module you’ll discover how to shift your thinking to a values-based practice for planning and execution.
You will walk away with practical tips and tools about how to:
- Align your vision and values with valid actions
- Create an agile strategic doing cycle
- Do more by focusing on less
- Tame your calendar, leverage your time and feel good about what you’re not doing
- Harness the power of lead indicators to drive success
- Boost engagement and productivity using 4DX – the four disciplines of execution
To discuss training for your team, click here.