A Growth Mindset is the belief that an individual’s intelligence, talent and potential is not fixed. Intelligence can be fostered, talent can be developed, and potential can be nurtured. Every person in any organisation has the ability to develop, evolve, and learn. Fostering a growth-mindset culture allows employees to see challenges as opportunities, to be curious, experiment and tap into unlimited potential for growth and innovation.

Like any skill, we can learn, practice and develop a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, seek feedback, learn from mistakes,and celebrate others’ success, rather than avoiding, ignoring, blaming, or feeling threatened by them.

A growth mindset is not just about praising effort, but also about setting realistic goals, providing constructive criticism, and fostering a culture of learning and growth.

I’m a facilitator with The Humanology Group, delivering Psychological Safety and Growth Mindset workshops in the energy and mining sectors. And I also facilitate national leadership development and training programs on Psychological safety and a Growth Mindset for ACCPA, Australia’s peak body for aged and community care providers.

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