Decisions shape destiny ~ Tony Robbins
Choose the best way forward when faced with uncertainty, complexity, risk and alternative opinions. Discover the power of purposeful decisions and how delegating trust, not tasks, helps grow your team’s capacity and capabilities. Click the links below for some great tips on how to boost your decision-making skills and delegate with less stress and more ‘Yes!’
Empower Teams with the Decision Tree Model
To delegate decision-making is a powerful way to build trust and grow emerging leaders. Susan Scott’s ‘decision tree’ model is an ideal approach. There are four levels of decision – leaf, branch, trunk and root.
3 Levels of Decisions: Hats, Haircuts & Tattoos
Decisions come in all shapes and sizes and carry different levels of risk vs reward, cost vs benefit. Here’s a quick and easy way to choose what level you’re dealing with – is it a hat, a haircut or a tattoo?
Deciding Vs Choosing
Deciding and choosing are not the same. They involved different ways of thinking and how you process the available information. Deciding is about making up your mind. Choosing is picking an option. Here’s how to understand the difference.
Circle of Influence Vs Circle of Concern
Stephen Covey’s concept of the Circle of Influence versus the Circle of Concern comes from his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It’s a simple yet powerful idea about how we can focus our energy and efforts to be more effective in life.
The WRAP Decision Making Model
The WRAP decision-making model, created by Chip and Dan Heath in their book Decisive, is all about helping you make better decisions by avoiding common biases and mistakes.
Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a flexible, iterative, people-centered design process. You’re constantly learning, testing, and refining as you go — all while keeping the end user at the heart of the process. It’s a creative way to solve problems and come up with solutions.
The ACCORD Check List
Sometimes the most important question is not about what to do, but should we do this? The ACCORD Check List will help you decide whether or not this decision or action is appropriate.
The CRAAP Test
How can you be sure you have the right kind of information to make good decisions? Use The CRAAP Test to evaluate your sources so you can be certain about what you think you know.